A Day in the Life

Monday, November 27, 2006

Good Bye Mexico

We left the hotel to head to the airport at 11:00am and didn't get home until the following day at 12:30pm. We did not know what we had in store. I wore shorts and flip flops because we were leaving 90 degree weather. We arrived in an ice storm. It took my dad 3 hours to get to the airport but he finally made it at 11:00pm, and it took 2 hours to get to his house (at 1:00am). After waiting an hour to get onto the on ramp (2:00am), we turned around and went back to my dad's house to stay the night. I have never seen traffic like this but all the roads were sheets of ice. We were actually lucky compared to some of the people that sat on the freeway for 15 hours. What a way to end the trip!


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