A Day in the Life

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Reindeer Festival

We went up to Cougar Mountain (right before major snowfall) for the 17th Annual Reindeer Festival. Santa and his reindeer make a stop at the zoo and say hi with all the visiting kids. Riley got to play with her friends on the bronze sculptures and sit in Santa's sleigh. She fed the Alpacas (similar to Llama, maybe the same) and I'm surprised she didn't lose a finger. She did not place her palm flat, so the Alpacas had to search through her fingers to find the tiny morsels of food. Fearless Riley! Then Wyatt, Kai, and Riley discovered a puddle behind a sign, about an 1/8 of an inch deep, and had the greatest time splashing around. You'd think they had found the greatest toy with all their splashing and laughing.


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